Lemons will help you lose weight?

Lemon contains a lot proven ingredients slimming as a solution because it's excellent, talented and metabolism oils build output. And, again, strengthens the immune system, maintains the sugar level in the path to normal, cold. But there are a number of these, and those who need to know the contraindications to throw extra weight quickly.

By using lemon slimming features

lemon slimming

Citric acid is considered a useful interaction with enzymes and stimulates digestion and excretion of gastric juice. Something to that effect warranty? First of all, the balanced composition.

Positive features:

  • Contains pectin, fruit, envelope, in the intestinal wall.
  • Cuts and hunger.
  • Vitamin C enhances the immune system.
  • Potassium, zinc, boron and copper support the body in good condition.

Negative traits:

  • Damage tooth enamel. For this reason, you need water then rinse your mouth with water.
  • Disease, a stomach or intestinal increases the acidity of the lemon.

Lemon diet there is an opportunity to reset more than 2 pounds per day, but nutrition experts warned that such an action is performed the loss, not so much fat, how much fluid. The best method to drop weight fast. But count a long lasting effect, not only is a cover that is used constantly.

On a strict diet allows you to lose 5 kg in 2 days, but you do need to consult a dietitian before applying. Lemon water increases, resulting in acid, are digested faster, calcium. This article helps to burn fat to emphasize the additional energy. If it's a process to drop weight faster to digest calcium begins to take effect. To consume not only water, but also the zest.

Lemon slimming techniques

The most simple and effective method – with lemon water. Digestion removes toxins built vessels. This is not necessary, a hard limitation the adequate amount of nutrition to reduce unwanted products. Lemon guarantee the result along with other body fluids.

Lemon and water

Like this, it is recommended to have a drink in the morning. If a 70 kg person's weight of rice – a half of fruit juice fruit cups. The higher weight of 80 kg has already bred a whole lemon. You may add a teaspoon of honey. Good performance and beverage water, chamomile, lemon.


  • dry chamomile – 1 teaspoon;
  • lemon – 3 tooth;
  • water – 1 cup.

Preparation: pour boiling water over the herb, add the lemons. Tue, night insist. Was viewed for a drink 5-6 times per day.

Lemon and sugar

Lemon, with sugar, known as it is the perfect solution to cold, to defeat the helper virus, reduce temperature and inflammation. But such a combination for weight loss and can be applied to this mix:

  • toxins;
  • a diuretic, displays of excess fluid;
  • the cuts and the feeling of hunger;
  • however, deficiency of glucose.

Essential oil

Attenuation also used lemon essential oil. 'Not only that, eat and breathe. The liquid is poured, the aroma, the device turns on, and a few minutes of pleasure for a taste. Nutrition note beats in such a way appetite and good service and food was consumed citrus in whom it is contraindicated. You can create a mixture of oils, lemon, apple, rose, peppermint or lavender, lemon effect are preserved.

Lemon with ginger

Ginger is considered one of the most effective vehicles to reduce weight and increases the effect of the lemon with the connection. But there are a number of these, and contraindications. Ginger should not be used during:

  • allergies;
  • heart and liver diseases;
  • bleeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding.

When ginger abuse causes heartburn and constipation. But if you don't mind if a suitable combination of lemon, fresh, dried or frozen ginger. Servings should be 2 times less dry.

Ginger-lemon-honey blend


  • lemon – 1;
  • ginger root – 1 PCs.;
  • honey – to taste.

Preparation: grind ginger and lemon to a blender or grate. Mix thoroughly, add honey. To get 3 tablespoons a day, half an hour before meals. Store it in the fridge.

Ginger-lemon drink


  • lemon zest – 1 tsp;
  • grated ginger – 1 teaspoon;
  • water – 2 cups.

Preparation: pour the ginger and lemon and warm water, to insist 12 hours. Drain. Drink 1 cup daily. Store it in a cool place.

Tea with lemon


Black tea is recommended for weight loss because it contains caffeine and may cause side effects Yesil as you increase the pressure or splash blood sugar.

Action Yesil tea with lemon:

  • reduces the percentage of harmful cholesterol;
  • it strengthens the immune system;
  • energy;
  • washes oils;
  • blunts appetite.

Thanks to the antioxidants contained Yesil decreases in weight as part of tea. More effective with the addition of ginger.


  • ginger root – 20 gr;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • lemon – 0,5;fetus
  • Yesil tea – 1 tsp.

Preparation: pour the ginger with hot water and boil for half an hour. Pour some hot water for cool, Yesil tea leaves. Squeeze lemon juice, add zest friction, and drink it. Pour it into a thermos, insist 40 minutes. Drainage, drinking half an hour before meals warm.

Drink 3 cups a day consumed!

Lemon and soda

Such a mixture is also very effective but are extremely dangerous for people who have vascular diseases, ulcers, allergies or citrus soda.


  • soda – 0,5 teaspoon;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • lemon – 0,5 fetus.

Preparation: add a squeeze of juice, baking powder, and water. Sip 1 serving day. You can add to improve the taste, mint, and ice.

Yogurt and lemon

Kefir-lemon diet athletes consider invention, time, weight, expense, and power and energy remains. But stick to it that are allowed to maximum 1-2 days. Better off drinking low-fat yogurt, but the product normal oily the effect is the same. Add the lemon juice, yogurt or fruit to eat as cloves.


  1. 0.5 liters of yogurt and half a lemon for breakfast.
  2. Lunch drink the same part, but a whole lemon.
  3. A similar breakfast of a portion of the evening.

Such a diet dangerous, low-acid!

A week lemon diet

Citric gained great popularity diet, lemon a set amount of time is entered according to the principle of the diet increased. Drink at least 2 liters of liquid a day. The tools that are used in the fetus, juice and pulp.

Diet rules:

1. day

  1. In the morning a glass of warm water with lemon: 1 fruit 200 ml. After 20 minutes, the porridge water or fruit salad.
  2. Afternoon tea – 200g cottage cheese, 1 h. one teaspoon zest.
  3. Lunch vegetable soup and baked fish, where zest added.
  4. Food, boiled chicken fillet – 150 g of vegetable salad or oatmeal.

2. day

  1. Drink water on an empty stomach with 2 lemon juice. Breakfast muesli shell with water and apples. Weak tea, coffee.
  2. Afternoon tea – yoghurt with cereal bread.
  3. Fish soup for lunch, where we add teaspoon of wheat Peel And Steam the meat.
  4. Eating cheese with fruit salad and lemon pulp.

3. day

  1. A serving is one cup of Water – 3 lemons. 20 minutes later – steam omelets, vegetables.
  2. In the afternoon with fruit, nuts and zest.
  3. Soup dumplings lunch-chicken and salad radish, cucumber, where we add lemon juice.
  4. Food, a cup of yogurt and an Apple.

Some lemon in the morning for 4 to 7 Days 1 glass of fruit increases. Put a drink to swallow the water 7 you can use lemon, honey, let me share yet servings by adding fruit juice to one part tea. Recommended Products menu varies.


The main contraindications, application the lemon diet – stomach or intestinal diseases. In fact, a significant develop ulcers gastritis quickly. Lemon causes frequent heartburn. Oh, God, here meeting rooms of various sizes similar in unloading adolescents, pregnant and lactating mothers.

Diseases such as forbidden on the zone diet lemon:

  • hiperasidit, stomach ulcer;
  • enterocolitis;
  • hepatitis;
  • Jade;
  • cholecystitis;
  • pancreatitis.

Helpful suggestions

Brought a drink for, cooking and eating for maximum benefit it is important to comply with the rules. To drink several times a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, then between meals, but no more than 3 times a day. Night – an hour before going to bed.

Some valuable tips:

  1. Consumed the need for hot water with lemon, Cold Crush metabolism.
  2. During the diet to eat more vegetables and fruit.
  3. I drink a lot of normal water to help reduce the impact acid.
  4. Drink small sips, dulls the hunger and the thirst.
  5. So if you want to eat, to drink a glass of normal drinking water.
lemon water

Of course, it is important to consider the lemon diet a common diet. Prerequisite to drink at least 6 cups of normal water a day.